Hello 2015!

???????????????????????????????I know this is late, but it’s better late than never! Hehehe. Happy New Year and Hello 2015! I couldn’t update this blog anymore, and to be honest, I want to delete this already. But you see, I can not just abandon this blog for this is the first ever blog I made. Hehe

So, uhm, what should I say? Uhm, 2014 taught me many lessons? And that last year was such a blast that I received so many blessings that I didn’t expect to receive? And that all of my frustrations in life slowly turned into aspirations with the help of some of the closest people in my life, and that hopes never left me? Well I’ve said it. 2014 so far is the best year of my life. Some of the reasons are:

  1. I got my book published and received my copies exactly on my birthday. Hehe
  2. Luckily entered the Dean’s List.
  3. I finally knew how to control my temper. yey!
  4. I met the guy who I promised to love for the rest of my life.
  5. I’ve learned how to open my heart to the Lord.

Those were the top 5, I guess. And I’m getting lazy again to type more. I’ll cut this short. Hehe. That’s why I am really hoping that this year will be happier and more fruitful! And that I will have more patience and determination for the things that I  am about to do. I am praying for yours too. Happy New Year again! ☺